My Piece on Editing Gordon Lish in Lit Hub
Nothing like editing the legendary editor. He’s a genius. Check out my article in Lit Hub. Grab one or both of Captain Fiction’s new novels here.
Nothing like editing the legendary editor. He’s a genius. Check out my article in Lit Hub. Grab one or both of Captain Fiction’s new novels here.
Somehow, I finished another book on Shakespeare. This one is sexy, also groundbreaking. It’s with the agents. I’m on to the next book.
But like Cordelia, I’ll do before I speak. Time shall unfold….
Two LitMag Stories will appear in Best American Short Stories 2019. Another LitMag Story will appear in The O. Henry Prize 2019.
Delighted to learn that John Ashbery’s poem “Just the One Episode,” published in LitMag #1 in 2017, won a Pushcart Prize and will appear in the 2019 edition
Working on a big book on Shakespeare. Working on a novel. May not have writing news for a while.
2013 was a good year. More than one of my short stories were nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2014. We shall see. Many thanks to all you readers.
A bunch of stories will be published in the last months of 2013: “Life in Earnest” is due out in GARGOYLE this month (Issue 60). “How to Do the Heimlich” will be out in SOUTHWEST REVIEW in the fall (Issue 98:3). “Last Great Year” will be out in CONFRONTATION in November (Issue 114). “What Kind of Bird Are You?” will be out in […]
“Tim Descending” just came out in the CAROLINA QUARTERLY (63.1: Spring 2013). Check out CQs redesign to celebrate its 65th year. And check out Tim, Mr. Fun (narrator), and Mr. Fun’s girlfriend. It’s a missed love triangle that’ll split your sides and break your heart. Here’s an excerpt: Tim holds up shirt after […]
“Rebecca Rides” is now out in SHENANDOAH 62:2 (Spring 2013). You can go read it online. And “Rust” is now out in LAKE EFFECT #17. Many thanks to those who have already commented. Go to Shenandoah