Pushcart Prize Nominations
2013 was a good year. More than one of my short stories were nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2014. We shall see. Many thanks to all you readers.
2013 was a good year. More than one of my short stories were nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2014. We shall see. Many thanks to all you readers.
A bunch of stories will be published in the last months of 2013: “Life in Earnest” is due out in GARGOYLE this month (Issue 60). “How to Do the Heimlich” will be out in SOUTHWEST REVIEW in the fall (Issue 98:3). “Last Great Year” will be out in CONFRONTATION in November (Issue 114). “What Kind of Bird Are You?” will be out in […]
“Tim Descending” just came out in the CAROLINA QUARTERLY (63.1: Spring 2013). Check out CQs redesign to celebrate its 65th year. And check out Tim, Mr. Fun (narrator), and Mr. Fun’s girlfriend. It’s a missed love triangle that’ll split your sides and break your heart. Here’s an excerpt: Tim holds up shirt after […]
“Rebecca Rides” is now out in SHENANDOAH 62:2 (Spring 2013). You can go read it online. And “Rust” is now out in LAKE EFFECT #17. Many thanks to those who have already commented. Go to Shenandoah
Marc’s story “The Dog Is Not Your Mother” is now out in South Carolina Review (Fall 2012). It’s a fine issue, with an essay by James Dickey on Hart Crane. Go to South Carolina Review
Marc won honorable mention in Glimmer Train’s January 2012 Very Short Fiction Award.